Welcome to the Liverpool & SW Lancs FHS Shop
Please use the above Products menu to browse the available product types. More will be coming on line as our catalogue increases.
To purchase Digital products you will need to register as a shop customer so that you can retrieve your purchase. Once you have registered you can log in to review your purchases and download them at any time.
Members of the Society have voluntarily researched and transcribed local records in order to make publications available for you, many of which cannot yet be found on line. Monumental Inscriptions especially can give a lot of information about extended families. Just click on the tabs above for digital sales or to join the Society.
All the income, after production costs, is used to further the activities of the Liverpool & South West Lancashire Family History Society including support for local archives, projects to continue the collection and transcription of records and acquisitions.

For your security we do not process payments within our web space, but send you to the secure site of Pay Pal, where you do not have to be a PayPal customer but can pay with your debit or credit card just as you would with any other secure payment system.